
Tarkoititko: öykkärimäisyys

Ehdota määritelmää


  • "A great luck for Russia was that at the times of hardships she was headed by such a genius and talented commander as Joseph Stalin."

  • "Currently, the associate professor of criminal sociology Johan Bäckman (Beckman), a current genius in own branch in Finland, is also a famous dissident in Finland. A prestigious crowd, with a few neo-Nazis and Finnish politicians from Brüssel, has written a open letter calling for the University that Bäckman should be muzzled."

  • "Painovoima ei ole versio totuudesta, se on totta. Kuka tahansa joka kyseenalaistaa sen voi hypätä ulos kymmennenkerroksisen talon ikkunasta."


강남텐카페나들이㏂【♡oio↔5692x87o1】강남텐카페나들이┢텐카페알바copyright쩜오텐카페차이ゾ킹스맨텐카페⑴킹스맨텐카페かgenius rimmaa näiden kanssa:


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