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Liittyvät sanat: x-akseli, X-kromosomi, xerokopio.


englanti The twenty-fourth letter of the Appendix:Latin script|basic modern Latin alphabet.
puhekieltä voiceless velar fricative.
puhekieltä An unknown variable.
puhekieltä The first coordinate in Cartesian coordinates, representing horizontal position.
(non-gloss definition)
2008, Leonard Richardson, ‎Sam Ruby, RESTful Web Services (page 387)
The 5xx i.e. three digits starting "5" series of status codes is for representing problems on the server side.
2009, Ravi Rikhye, Concise World Armies 2009
BRIGADE NUMBERING - TRADITIONAL • Armor Brigade 5xx series • Armored Infantry Brigade 3xx series • Motorized Infantry Brigade 2xx series • Infantry Brigade 1xx series • Special Forces 8xx series
2010, Tri "Slowhabit" Nguyen, ‎Martin Harris, Advanced PLO Play (page 53)
Although my opponent will have 4xxx i.e. a 4 and three other cards frequently, I have to stack off occasionally to avoid being exploited in this spot.
A kiss at the end of a letter, or similar missive.
2012, Amanda Jennings, Sworn Secret
i love you :)! xxx. She pressed send and stared at him. She giggled when he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.
2012, Maya Rodale, Geheimes Spiel der Liebe, http://books.google.com/books?id=7mpZAgAAQBAJ&lpg=PT4&dq=liebe%20xoxo&pg=PT4v=onepage&q=liebe%20xoxo&f=false dedication:
XOXO, dein Schreibmädchen, deine Frau
2013, Arthur and Carly Fleischmann, La voz de Carly http://books.google.com/books?id=wgm1ip9ctrAC&lpg=PT168&dq=%22te%20quiero%22%20xoxo&pg=PT168v=onepage&q=%22te%20quiero%22%20xoxo&f=false:
Nos vemos en unos días. Te quiero. Xoxo.
(rfdat) Mon évolution par lAmour, http://books.google.com/books?id=uBGqzxf0v5MC&lpg=PA134&dq=%22je%20taime%22%20xxxx&pg=PA134v=onepage&q=%22je%20t'aime%22%20xxxx&f=false page 134:
Je t'aime ! Kristel xxxx....
puhekieltä A unit of transfer rate of CD drives, equal to 150 KiB per second.
puhekieltä A unit of transfer rate of DVD drives, equal 1.32 MiB per second.
(alternative spelling of )

Dimensions: 1280x720

puhekieltä (non-gloss definition)
{{quote-newsgroup|date=31 August 1998|author=
{{quote-newsgroup|date=7 July 2002|author=
{{quote-newsgroup|date=29 April 2003|author=
The twenty-fourth letter of the Dutch alphabet.
(quote-book)fr.Wikisource|original=El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha|by=Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra|section=Chapter I|passage=Avec ces propos et d’autres semblables, le pauvre gentilhomme perdait le jugement. Il passait les nuits et se donnait la torture pour les comprendre, pour les approfondir, pour leur tirer le sens des entrailles, ce qu’Aristote lui-même n’aurait pu faire, s’il fût ressuscité tout exprès pour cela.
: With these passages and other similar ones, the poor gentleman lost his judgement. He spent his nights and tortured himself to understand them, to consider them more deeply, to take from them their deepest meaning, which Aristotle himself would not have been able to do, had he been resurrected for that very purpose.
(l); the 24th letter of the Latin alphabet
puhekieltä abbreviation of per (“for”)
The 24th letter of the Norwegian alphabet.
The twenty-seventh letter of the Romanian alphabet representing the double-consonant sounds /gz/ and /ks/. Preceded by v and followed by z.
The 25th letter of the Spanish alphabet.
puhekieltä Abbreviation of "(l)"


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