【문의◁Ò1Ò.5813.1579】퍼블릭뜻㎥ 【문의◁Ò1Ò.5813.1579】 퍼블릭셔츠룸차이china퍼블릭셔츠룸차이퍼블릭룸이란퍼블릭룸이란situated 퍼블릭뜻ㅜ♥퍼블릭룸이란respect

Tarkoititko: -ääntöinen

Ehdota määritelmää

Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


  • "Hopefully we will get this text in Estonian language, too, because so many Estonians have apparently lost all civilization under their nearest 20 years. Of course, therefore I cannot be sure that they could accept even your writing even in Estonian language. Civilization comes from noble soul and respect; civilization cannot ever live in the souls of the apartheid-supporters."

  • "You will respect my authori-tah!"

Ehdota määritelmää