Tarkoititko: 4H-kerho


englanti At the rate of; per.

7 @ $2 = $14 (that is, seven, at two dollars each, are fourteen dollars).

puhekieltä The symbol used as a separator between a username and a domain name in an e-mail address ("at" the domain name).

My e-mail address is psychonaut@example.com.

puhekieltä The most common choice of configurable prefix symbol to identify a channel operator.
puhekieltä Prepended to the name of the user to whom a remark is addressed.

Bob: How can I stop other people from accessing my files when they use my computer?Jack: @Bob: You need to protect the files with a password.

at a rate of (so much each)

15 items @ $10

@ 80 km/h (at eighty kilometres per hour)

puhekieltä at (any sense)

@ 20°C (at twenty degrees Celsius)

Text message: "im @ school."

puhekieltä The symbol used as a separator between a username and a domain name in an e-mail address.
at a rate of


500 items at a rate of 5 yen

puhekieltä remaining (stands for あと (ato), mostly used in MMORPG)



@5 ko

5 items remaining



@1 jikan de neru

I'll go to bed in a hour

puhekieltä (abbreviation of)
The symbol for the arroba unit of weight.
The symbol for the arroba unit of weight and volume.
The symbol for o and a to include both masculine and feminine forms.

l@s alumn@s = los alumnos y las alumnas (the male and female students)



rimmaa näiden kanssa:

suklaa-, valkea-, mega-, giga-, haja-, laaka-, raaka-, taka-, deka-, seka-

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