


  1. en-v-taivm|a|ddress|ing

Esimerkkejä addressing sanan käytöstä:

[[teidän]] [[kanssa]]nne = with you (addressing many persons or politely or formally one person)

itsenne kanssa = with yourselves (addressing many persons); with yourself (addressing politely or formally one person)

:* (addressing many persons) Te näitte. (You saw.) -> Te ette nähneet. (You did not see.)

* (addressing one person) Te näitte. (You saw.) -> Te ette nähnyt. (You did not see.)

:* (addressing many persons) Te [[olla|olette]] nähneet. (You have seen.) -> Te ette ole nähneet. (You have not seen.)

* (addressing one person) Te olette nähnyt. (You have seen) -> Te ette ole nähnyt. (You have not seen.)

:* (addressing many persons) Te olitte nähneet. (You had seen.) -> Te ette olleet nähneet. (You had not seen.)

* (addressing one person) Te olitte nähnyt. (You had seen.) -> Te ette ollut nähnyt. (You had not seen.)

:* (addressing many persons) Te olisitte nähneet. (You would have seen.) -> Te ette olisi nähneet. (You would not have seen.)

* (addressing one person) Te olisitte nähnyt. (You would have seen.) -> Te ette olisi nähnyt. (You would not have seen.)

:* (addressing many persons) Te lienette nähneet. (You have probably seen.) -> Te ette liene nähneet. (You have probably not seen.)

* (addressing one person) Te lienette nähnyt. (You have probably seen.) -> Te ette liene nähnyt. (You have probably not seen.)

[[sinun]] [[kanssa]]si = with you (addressing one person)

itsesi kanssa = with yourself (addressing one person)

Riimisanakirja: addressing

addressing rimmaa näiden kanssa:

  1. leasing, franchising...

Katso riimisanakirja

Käännökset: addressing

addressing suomeksi

addressing englanniksi

Katso addressing englanniksi


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