

  1. rak|en|someone|about kysyä jklta jtak/jstak

  2. rak|en|someone|for pyytää jklta jtak

  3. (yleensä asiasta) rak|en|for vaatia jtak, edellyttää jtak

Esimerkkejä ask sanan käytöstä:

'Ask' me about anything.

:'Kysy' minulta mitä vain.

Im 'asking' you for help.

:'Pyydän' sinulta apua.

That 'asks' for courage.

:Se 'vaatii' rohkeutta.

Liittyvät sanat: ask after , ask around , ask for , ask in , ask into , ask out , ask over , ask round



  1. ilmaista, olla vuorovaikutuksessa, vaatia, pyytää, odottaa, kysellä, kysyä, tiedustella, selittää, muotoilla.

Lisää synonyymejää

Liittyvät sanat: askar, askare, askaroida, askarointi, askarrella, askarruttaa.



kysellä, tiedustella


pyytää To (l) (information, or an answer to a question).

I asked her age.

To (l) (a question) to be answered.

to ask a question

To (l) or enquire of (a person).

Im going to ask this lady for directions.''

Bible, John ix. 21
He is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself.
To request or petition; usually with for.

to ask for a second helping at dinner

to ask for help with homework

Bible, Matthew vii. 7
Ask, and it shall be given you.
To request permission to do something.

She asked to see the doctor.

Did you ask to use the car?

To require, demand, claim, or expect, whether by way of remuneration or return, or as a matter of necessity.

What price are you asking for the house?

An exigence of state asks a much longer time to conduct a design to maturity.
To invite.

Dont ask them to the wedding.''

To publish in church for marriage; said of both the banns and the persons.


puhekieltä To take (a person's situation) as an example.
An act or instance of asking.
2005, Laura Fredricks, The ask:
To ask for a gift is a privilege, a wonderful expression of commitment to and ownership of the organization. Getting a yes to an ask can be a rush, but asking for the gift can and should be just as rewarding.
Something asked or asked for; a request.
2008, Doug Fields, Duffy Robbins, Speaking to Teenagers:
Communication researchers call this the foot-in-the-door syndrome. Essentially it's based on the observation that people who respond positively to a small “ask” are more likely to respond to a bigger “ask” later on.
An asking price.
puhekieltä An eft; newt.
1876, S. Smiles, Scottish Naturalist:
He looked at the beast. It was not an eel. It was very like an ask.
puhekieltä A lizard.
common ash (tree, Fraxinus excelsior)
ash tree
ash wood
(is-inflection of)
the European ash (ash tree) Fraxinus excelsior
ash tree
the European ash (tree) Fraxinus excelsior
a small box


  • aska: asia : Mitä sä siinä, vittu, kyttäät, onks sul jotai askaa, vai?

  • lotraa: askarrella veden kanssa : Mutsi tykkäs lotraa vodan kans, fönstereitki se tvettas.