
Tarkoititko: autogiro

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englanti puhekieltä A feature on a joystick that permits automatic fire firing, as though the player were repeatedly pressing the fire button.
1988, Operation Wolf (review), Crash issue 59 (December 1988)
You start off with just seven clips of ammo and five grenades — so all you autofire merchants are in trouble. Only real soldiers, with an accurate eye and careful trigger finger need apply here.
1989, Popular Mechanics (volume 166, number 10, October 1989)
High-speed autofire and a choice of two joystick sizes are featured.
1990, Letters, Your Sinclair issue 51 (March 1990)
Also the crappy joystick, the SJ51, is useless. It's as stiff as a Skoda's steering and there's no autofire on it. I can't help thinking that I made the worst investment of my life by buying this computer.


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