


  1. venäläinen virasto.

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toimisto, virasto

työpöytä, kirjoituspöytä

lipasto An administrative unit of government; office.
An organization or office for collecting or providing information or news.


An office (gloss).
Victoria Delderfield, Secret Mother:
There was an eerie silence in the dorm ... in the factory. ... The lamp glowed in his bureau, warm and reassuring and, through the window, I could see his papers strewn across the desk. ... I called his name again. A movement from his bureau. ... I banged on his door until it opened a crack. ... He pushed me out onto the staircase. "Get out," he screamed. The door to his bureau slammed in my face.
2010, Ellie Nielsen, Buying a Piece of Paris: A Memoir, page 17:
Both my ability to comprehend what is being said in French and my ability to fake comprehension have improved expeditiously. Monsieur holds the door open for me as we step inside his bureau. No one looks up as we enter. He offers me a seat, and when I fail to take it he returns to my side of the desk ....
2015, Dan Riker, The Blue Girl Murders, page 287:
Nick opened the bureau door and told Joan he was going to find Susan. He walked to the cafeteria, but it was empty. He went back to the bureau, and asked Joan to check the restrooms.
puhekieltä A desk usually with a cover and compartments that are located above the level of the writing surface rather than underneath, often for for storing papers inside.
puhekieltä A chest of drawers for clothes.
office (room)
ticket office
the staff of an office
office; an administrative unit
puhekieltä frieze (coarse woolen cloth)


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