

  1. ruohokasvi, ruohovartinen kasvi, ruoho, kissanmintut, kissanminttujen suku, aitokissanminttu, Nepeta cataria.

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aitokissanminttu Any of the about 250 species of flowering plant of the genus Nepeta, family Lamiaceae, certain of which are said to have medicinal qualities.
(taxlink) and (taxlink) (and perhaps other species), which are well-known for causing an apparently harmless pheromone-based intoxication among certain cats.

Some cats go bonkers over catnip; others ignore it.

puhekieltä Something that causes stupor
(quote-journal)|city=London|date=24 October 2016|passage=Since Rupert Murdoch famously bet the farm on Premier League football to rescue Sky TV in 1991, it has been the catnip that has underpinned subscriber loyalty and, even in a far more complicated media landscape, is seen as so vital as to be worth almost any price.


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hip, piip, VIP

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