

  1. kujerrus, huuto, kujertaa, päästää ilmoille, päästää, päästää ulos, päästää valloilleen, tuottaa, äännellä, mumista.

Lisää synonyymejää




kujerrus The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.
puhekieltä To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
26 June 2014, A.A Dowd, AV Club Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler spoof rom-com clichés in They Came Together

As Norah Jones coos sweet nothings on the soundtrack, the happy couple—played by Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler—canoodle through a Manhattan montage, making pasta for two, swimming through a pile of autumn leaves, and horsing around at a fruit stand.
puhekieltä To speak in an admire admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
2013, Nicola Cornick, One Night with the Laird (page 206)
They were too busy cooing over the baby and his parents were too busy cooing over each other.
puhekieltä cool
Expression of fright, surprise, approval, etc.
1988, Sean Kelly, Professional BMX Simulator (video game review in Your Sinclair, issue 35, November 1988)
The last track on each of the three sections is a professional course, where you can customise your bike by changing the tyres and the size of chainwheel. Coo!
1989, Competitions (in Sinclair User, issue 92, November 1989)
We want you to come up with a side splitting caption for a picture drawn by the fair hand of those at System 3. If you turn out to be the Funniest "Person", we'll give you a big wopping model of a dinosaur. Coo.
1990, Crash readers awards ceremony (in Crash'', issue 75, April 1990)
Mark: 'Coo, I've only had four gallons of extra caffeine coffee today so I'm not my usual talking-to-PR-girlies-for-hours-on-end self. But bear with me a mo while I get myself together (audience waits for an age while he searches through his coat for the golden envelope). Here it is! Coo, and the winner is The New Zealand Story.'
wolf dog
(inflection of)


coo rimmaa näiden kanssa:

voodoo, eioo, joo, trikoo, villatrikoo, puuvillatrikoo, pumpulitrikoo, nailontrikoo, talkoo, rokokoo

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Läheisiä sanoja

collie, come-back, contra, contrasissi, copy, copyright

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