
suomi-englanti sanakirja

Irene englanniksi

  1. Eirene, the Greek goddess of peace, one of the Horae/Horæ; equivalent to the Roman goddess Pax.

  2. (w), a main belt asteroid.

  3. (given name), in regular use since the 19th century.

  4. {{quote-book|en|year=1653|author=Jeremiah Burroughs|title=Irenicum: To the Lovers of Truth & Peace|location=London|publisher=Robert Dawlman|page=267

  5. {{quote-book|en|year=1944|author=A.J.Cronin|title=The Green Years|publisher=Little, Brown, and Company|page=62

  6. {{quote-book|en|year=1993|author=Oscar Hijuelos:|title=The Fourteen Sisters of Emilio Montez O'Brien|isbn=0-14-023028-9|page=75

  7. (place).

  8. (given name)

  9. Eirene, the Greek goddess of peace, one of the Horae/Horæ

  10. the asteroid (w)

  11. {{quote-book|fi|year=1978|author=fi:Tuovi Saarenpää|title=Kihlat|publisher=Weilin + Göös|isbn=951-35-1620-2|page=69

  12. {{quote-book|fi|year=1984|author=fi:Veronica Pimenoff|title=Loistava Helena|publisher=Tammi|isbn=951-30-6142-6|page=280

  13. (l) (gloss)