cast iron

suomi-englanti sanakirja

cast iron englannista suomeksi

  1. valurauta

  1. Substantiivi

  2. valurauta

  3. valurautainen, valurauta / valurauta-

  4. rautainen e

  5. kiveen hakattu e lit. carved into stone

cast iron englanniksi

  1. A hard and brittle, but strong, alloy of iron, carbon, and silicon, formed by casting in a mould.

  2. ''Cast iron is popular for cookware where an even heating temperature is important.''

  3. Made of cast iron.

  4. ''I use a cast iron skillet for frying pancakes.''

  5. (quote-book)|passage=Various forms of conductors have been invented, such as wooden and iron pipes, of a round, square, and polygonal section; but at present, scarcely any other than sheet or cast iron pipes are employed.|year=1851|author=Frederick Overman|page=413|pageurl=|chapter=Blast Pipes|publisher=Henry C. Baird|location=Philadelphia|edition=2nd

  6. (quote-book)

  7. Durable; tough; resilient.

  8. ''Ernest has a cast iron constitution and never gets sick.''

  9. (quote-journal)

  10. Inflexible or without exception.

  11. ''The school's cast iron policy on admissions fees left no leeway for needy students.''

  12. {{quote-journal|en|date=19 March 2016|author=Rod Liddle|title=What makes the white working class angry? Twits like Hsiao-Hung Pai|journal=The Spectator