
suomi-englanti sanakirja

circumstantial englannista suomeksi

  1. seikkaperäinen

  1. epäolennainen, aiheeseen liittyvä">aiheeseen liittyvä

  2. yksityiskohtainen

  3. juhlallinen, juhlava

  4. aihe-">aihe- aihetodiste">see: aihetodiste

  5. Substantiivi

  6. olosuhteet (monikko) , epäolennaisuudet (monikko) , oheisilmiö

circumstantial englanniksi

  1. Pertaining to or dependent on circumstances, especially as opposed to essentials; incidental, not essential.

  2. (quote-book) and what is merely circumstantial.

  3. (syn)

  4. Abounding with minor circumstances; in great detail; particular.

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1777|author=Richard Brinsley Sheridan|title=The School for Scandal|section=V.ii

  6. 1806, Wilkinson|James Wilkinson, ''from James Wilkinson to Thomas Jefferson (October 21, 1806)|Letter to Thomas Jefferson (October 21, 1806)'' (part of conspiracy|Burr conspiracy)

  7. For although my information appears too direct and circumstantial to be fictitious, yet the magnitude of the enterprise, the desperation of the plan, and the stupendous consequences with which it seems pregnant, stagger my belief (..)
  8. {{quote-text|en|year=2007|author=John Burrow|title=A History of Histories|page=326|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2009

  9. Full of circumstance or pomp; ceremonial.

  10. Suggesting guilt, but not proving it conclusively.

  11. (ux)

  12. Something incidental to the main subject, but of less importance.

  13. (ant)