
suomi-englanti sanakirja

cleg englannista suomeksi

  1. suppupaarma

  1. Substantiivi

cleg englanniksi

  1. A light breeze.

  2. A blood-sucking fly of the family (taxfmt); a gadfly, a horsefly.

  3. (quote-journal)|journal=Diary|section=I

  4. {{quote-book|en|year=1932|author=Lewis Grassic Gibbon|title=Sunset Song|publisher=Polygon|year_published=2006|series=A Scots Quair|page=39

  5. (quote-text)Remaining seated on the block, I seize clegs out of the surrounding air at random, and with scissors cut out a tiny triangle from the rear edge of each one's right wing before releasing it.

  6. (quote-text)

  7. {{quote-book|en|year=2011|author=Denis Brook; Phil Hinchliffe|title=North to the Cape: A Trek from Fort William to Cape Wrath|pageurl=|page=49