
suomi-englanti sanakirja

codling englannista suomeksi

  1. nuori turska

codling englanniksi

  1. A young small cod.

  2. 1922, Hugh Lofting, ''The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle'', part 4, chapter 2, ''The Fidgit's Story'':

  3. “Here a couple of old men in whiskers and spectacles leant over us, making strange sounds. Some codling had got caught in the net the same time as we were. These the old men threw back into the sea; but us they seemed to think very precious. …”
  4. A hake (cod-related food fish), notably from the genus (taxlink).

  5. (infl of)

  6. A small, immature apple

  7. (RQ:Shakespeare Twelfth Night)

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=1800|author=Hannah Glasse; Maria Wilson|url=|chapter=The Complete Confectioner|title=Creams, &c.

  9. Any of various greenish, elongated English apple varieties, used for cooking