
suomi-englanti sanakirja

doorknock englanniksi

  1. A campaign of going from house to house knocking on doors, such as for a charity appeal.

  2. (quote-text)

  3. {{quote-book|en|year=1995|author=John Montague Gurney; N. E. Renton|title=Successful Clubs|pageurl=|page=53

  4. (quote-journal) mobile phone providers have sent text messages to Victorian customers warning them of the conditions, in what has been described as an "electronic doorknock".|accessdate=5 March 2009|archiveurl=,21985,25125577-661,00.html|archivedate=6 March 2009

  5. To participate in a campaign of going from house to house knocking on doors; to knock on the door (of a house) during such a campaign.

  6. 1979, Fatma Dharamsi, et al., Harlesden Community Project, ''Community Work And Caring For Children: A Community Project In An Inner City Local Authority'', %22doorknocked%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=-5xET4XXMuPImAXvw8SHBA&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22doorknocking%22|%22doorknocked%22&f=false page 440,

  7. During the doorknocking local residents had talked about other issues.
  8. {{quote-book|en|year=2007|author=Philip Hughes; Alan Black; Peter Kaldor|title=Building Stronger Communities|pageurl=|page=156

  9. {{quote-book|en|year=2007|author=Robert Macklin|title=Kevin Rudd: The Biography|pageurl=|page=unnumbered