
suomi-englanti sanakirja

esquire englannista suomeksi

  1. aseenkantaja

  1. Substantiivi

esquire englanniksi

  1. Esquire

  1. A lawyer.

  2. A male member of the gentry ranking below a knight.

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-2)

  4. 1875 Broom|Herbert Broom and Edward Hadley, notes by Wait|William Wait, ''Commentaries on the laws of England'', I-317:

  5. Esquires and gentlemen are confounded together by Sir Coke|Edward Coke, who observes that every esquire is a gentleman, and a gentleman is defined to be one ''qui arma gerit'', who bears coat-armour, the grant of which was thought to add gentility to a man's family. It is indeed a matter somewhat unsettled what constitutes the distinction, or who is a real esquire; for no estate, however large, per se confers this rank upon its owner.
  6. (n-g)

  7. A gentleman who attends or escorts a lady in public.

  8. A squire; a youth who in the hopes of becoming a knight attended upon a knight

  9. A shield-bearer, but also applied to other attendants.

  10. {{quote-text|en|year=1801|author=Joseph Strutt|title=The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England

  11. To attend, on, escort.

  12. The lower of the halves into which a square is divided diagonally, a single gyron, but potentially larger (extending across the shield) or smaller (for example, on Mortimer's arms).

  13. 1597, Gerard Legh, ''Armorie'', page 154, quoted in the ''NED'':

  14. Thre pallets between ij Esquires bast dexter and sinister of the second.
  15. {{quote-book|en|year=1883|title=Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society|page=142

  16. {{quote-book|en|date=2011-10-24|author=Peter Beauclerk-Dewar; Roger Powell|title=Royal Bastards: Illegitimate Children of the British Royal Family|publisher=The History Press|isbn=9780752473161

  17. (l) (gl)

  18. (l)

  19. (an untitled) nobleman; blasonado.

  20. An escudero, originally carrying the armour of a knight; a man of the gentry ranking below a knight.