
suomi-englanti sanakirja

exemplary englannista suomeksi

  1. kuvaava

  2. varoitukseksi annettu

  3. esimerkillinen

  1. esimerkillinen

  2. esimerkillinen, malli-">malli-

  3. Substantiivi

exemplary englanniksi

  1. Deserving honour, respect and admiration.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. Of such high quality that it should serve as an example to be imitated; ideal, perfect.

  4. (ux)

  5. (quote-book)|editor=James Spedding|title=The Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon:(nb...)|location=London|publisher=Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer|year=1616|year_published=1872|volume=VI|page=31|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=aVUVAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA31|oclc=537909992|passage=The Archbishops and Bishops, next under the King, have the government of the Church and affairs ecclesiastical: be not, Sir, a mean to prefer any to those places for any by-respect; but only such as for their learning, gravity, and worth are deserving: and whose lives and doctrine are and ought to be exemplary.

  6. (quote-book) E. Flesher, for Royston|Richard Royston|year=1678|newversion=published in|2ndauthor=Jeremy Taylor; William Cave|title2=Antiquitates Christianiæ: Or, The History of the Life and Death of the Holy Jesus:(nb...)|location2=London|publisher2=(...) E. Flesher, and R. Norton, for R. Royston,(nb...)|year2=1678|page2=3|pageurl2=https://books.google.com/books?id=pE0qAQAAMAAJ&pg=RA3-PA3|oclc2=181885479|passage=For thus the Saviour of the world became humane, alluring, full of invitation and the ſweetneſſes of love, exemplary, humble and medicinal.

  7. (RQ:Landon Lady Anne Granard)

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. (quote-web)

  10. Serving as a warning; monitory.

  11. Providing an example or illustration.

  12. (quote-book), the First Sunday in Lent.|title=The Works of John Donne, D.D.,(nb...)|location=London|publisher=William Parker|John William Parker,(nb...)|year=16th–17th century|year_published=1839|volume=IV|page=461|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=5YsEAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA461|oclc=151169612|passage=Till he infect and poison that age, and spoil that time that he lives in by his exemplary sins, till he be ''pestis secularis'', the plague of that age, ''peccator secularis'', the proverbial sinner of that age, and so be a sinner of a hundred years, till in his actions he have been, or in his desires be, or in the foreknowledge of God would be a sinner of a hundred years, an inveterate, an incorrigible, an everlasting sinner, yet God comes not to curse him.

  13. (quote-book)|title=Poststructuralist Geographies: The Diabolical Art of Spatial Science|location=Lanham, Md.|publisher=Rowman & Littlefield|year=1999|page=161|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=y-i6KYlL2-0C&pg=PA161|isbn=978-0-8476-9818-9|passage=... I want to round off my consideration of poststructuralist geographies by pursuing origami as the exemplary art of spatial science.

  14. An example, or typical instance.

  15. (quote-book) Henrie Middleton for George Bishop|year=1579|page=374|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=ebFoAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA374|oclc=19913747|passage=In the place by M. Hesk. alledged, denyeth that Baſill calleth breade & wine ἀντίτυπα, or ''exemplaria'', exemplaries of the bodie and bloud of Chriſt after the conſecration, which is an impudent lye; for before the conſecration there are no ſacraments, and ſo no exemplars of the bodie and bloud of Chriſte: therefore if he called them exemplars, it muſt needs be when they are ſacraments, & yt is after conſecration: ...

  16. A copy of a book or a piece of writing.

  17. (quote-book) Thomas Harper.(nb...)|year=1631|page=689|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=sDxQAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA689|oclc=940081232|passage=Farther, more part of the exemplaries, curiouſly ſought by me, and fortunately found in ſundry places of this your dominion, hath bene emprinted in Germany, and now be in the preſſes chefley of ''Frobenus'', ...