
suomi-englanti sanakirja

gland|salivary englanniksi

  1. A specialized cell, group of cells, or organ of endothelial origin in the human or animal body that synthesizes a chemical substance, such as hormones or milk, and releases it, often into the bloodstream (gland) or into cavities inside the body or its outer surface (gland).

  2. (mero)


  3. A structure resembling a gland, especially a node.

  4. A secretory structure on the surface of an organ.

  5. (senseid) A compressable cylindrical case and its contents around a shaft where it passes through a barrier, intended to prevent the passage of a fluid past the barrier, used for example around a ship’s shaft or around a tap, valve or faucet.

  6. glans

  7. (altform)

  8. acorn

  9. (syn)

  10. (ellipsis of)

  11. (quote-book)|title=s:fr:Les Cent Vingt Journées de Sodome - III|Les 120 journées de Sodome, ou l'École du libertinage|translators=Austryn Wainhouse; Richard Seaver|passage=Brise-cul, vingt-huit ans, l'air d'un satyre, son vit est tortu ; la tête ou le gland en est énorme : il a huit pouces trois lignes de tour, et le corps du vit huit pouces sur seize de long ; ce vit majestueux est absolument cambré.|t=Bum-Cleaver, twenty-eight years old, has the look of a satyr; his majestic prick is bent saber fashion, its head, or glans, is enormous, it is eight and three-eighths inches in circumference and the shaft eight in length.

  12. (comeronyms)



  13. tassel

  14. prick, wanker, end