
suomi-englanti sanakirja

heliotropism englannista suomeksi

  1. heliotropismi

  1. Substantiivi

heliotropism englanniksi

  1. The property of some plants of turning under the influence of light; either positively (towards the light) or negatively (away from the light)

  2. (quote-book)|author=Charles Darwin|page=555|date=6 November 1880|authorlink=Charles Darwin|chapter=XII|url=https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/5605|author2=Francis Darwin|authorlink2=Francis Darwin

  3. 2012, Staff (University of Wisconsin-Madison), ''Sunflowers inspire more efficient solar power system'', R&D Magazine, online:

  4. A field of young sunflowers will slowly rotate from east to west during the course of a sunny day, each leaf seeking out as much sunlight as possible as the sun moves across the sky through an adaptation called heliotropism.
  5. (l)