
suomi-englanti sanakirja

hot-blooded englannista suomeksi

  1. kuumaverinen

  1. kuumaverinen

hot-blooded englanniksi

  1. Easily angered or excited.

  2. (quote-book)|year=1941|page=86|pageurl=|passage=So much stronger and hotter-blooded than the motive of gain is that other motive, that we call racial arrogance and lust of domination when displayed in Europe, but describe more indulgently when our countrymen act upon it in Africa.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. Having strong sexual urges; easily aroused.

  5. (syn)

  6. (quote-book) Janis’s behaviour would chill out the hottest-blooded male, but that’s not happening here. What’s ''wrong'' with the blessed woman? She’s so utterly dissatisfied with her life—it’s a total mess.” / He’d hit it on the head. “Eliot has to assert himself. They need that break. Get life back into perspective. Janis is a married woman with a child. It’s called responsibility. Commitment.”

  7. Light-bodied and lively in temperament, with high speed and endurance.

  8. (synonym of).

  9. (quote-book)|location=New Orleans, La.|publisher=(...) Joseph Cohn,(nb...)|month=June|year=1851|pages=16–17|pageurl=|passage=For my own part, judging from experiments ranging from the cold-blooded to the hottest-blooded animals—from the alligator to the common fowl—I am constrained to say, that after decapitation, the sensational phenomena and voluntary motion are far more strongly indicated in the headless body, than in the separated head.