
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ma'am englanniksi

  1. (non-gloss): (contraction of)

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (RQ:Dryden Evening's Love)

  4. (RQ:Vanbrugh Aesop) I vovv to Gad, Mame, I vvas ſo taken up vvith my good Fortune, I did not obſerve the extream Fancy of your Ladiſhip's VVedding-Cloaths— (..)

  5. (RQ:Congreve Way of the World)

  6. (RQ:Foote Commissary)

  7. (RQ:Dickens Oliver Twist)

  8. (RQ:Dickens Barnaby Rudge)

  9. (RQ:Anne Bronte Agnes Grey)

  10. (RQ:Dickens Hard Times)

  11. (RQ:Trollope Belton Estate)

  12. (RQ:Buchan Huntingtower)

  13. (quote-journal)

  14. (quote-web) On presentation to The Queen, the correct formal address is ‘Your Majesty’ and subsequently ‘Ma’am’, pronounced with a short ‘a’, as in ‘jam’. (..) For other female members of the Royal Family the first address is conventionally ‘Your Royal Highness’ and subsequently ‘Ma’am’.|footer=(small)'', the information is based on a Buckingham Palace protocol dating to (circa2).

  15. A polite and formal way to address a woman.

  16. (ux)

  17. A respectful term of address to a woman of higher rank or position.

  18. A woman addressed as "ma'am".

  19. A married woman other than one's wife.

  20. (RQ:Sheridan Critic) and (smallcaps), (smallcaps) and (smallcaps); (..)

  21. A female schoolteacher; a schoolmarm.

  22. To address (a woman) as "ma'amNoun|ma'am".

  23. (coordinate terms)

  24. (quote-book) (w)|year=2014|page=42|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-373-87859-8|passage=