
suomi-englanti sanakirja

mars englanniksi

  1. Mars

  1. (infl of)

  2. (monikko) en|mar

  3. March

  4. (syn)

  5. gammon (gloss)

  6. (ux)

  7. (monikko) ca|mar

  8. march

  9. march! (gloss)

  10. (uxi)

  11. basket (gloss)

  12. the platform at the top of the lower mast of a sailing ship.

  13. ass, arse

  14. {{quote-song

  15. {{quote-journal|nl

  16. March (gloss)

  17. march! (gloss)

  18. march (gloss)

  19. march (gloss)

  20. (l):

  21. a formal, rhythmic way of walking, used especially by soldiers, bands and in ceremonies.

  22. any song in the genre of music written for marching.

  23. The blackish, magnetic metal susceptible to rust; iron.

  24. {{quote-text|enm|year=1475|title=The Book of Quintessence

  25. March (q)

  26. (inflection of)

  27. March

  28. March (month)

  29. (alternative form of)