
suomi-englanti sanakirja

merlin englannista suomeksi

  1. ampuhaukka

  1. ampuhaukka

  2. Substantiivi

merlin englanniksi

  1. Merlin

  1. A small falcon, (taxfmt), that breeds in northern America, Europe, and Asia.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book) and Faerie Queene|Faerie Queene: With Other Poems of Chaucer and Spenser|Spenser.(nb...)|location2=Edinburgh|publisher2=William P. Nimmo|year2=1874|page2=220, column 2|pageurl2=|oclc2=16857511|passage=The gentle falcon, that with its feet distraineth / The kingës hand; the hardy sperhawke eke, / The quailës foe; the merlion that paineth / Himself full oft the larkë for to seek; ...|brackets=on

  4. (quote-book)|year=1991|page=23|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-313-27453-4|issn=0885-9159|passage=Smaller and less powerful falcons included the merlon, the hobby, and the kesterel.

  5. A cytoskeletal protein active in the suppression of tumors.

  6. (syn)


  7. maul: an axe with a long handle, the blade of which is coupled with a broad side that can be used as a sledgehammer