middle ages

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middle ages englanniksi

  1. Middle Ages

  1. (alternative case form of)

  2. (RQ:Scott Monastery)* The hour of repose at noon, which, in the middle ages, was employed in slumber, and which the monastic rules of nocturnal vigils rendered necessary.

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. (quote-journal)|month=July|year=1893|volume=XXXIX|issue=166 (new series, 130)|others=part 1, “Original Articles”|page=325|pageurl=https://archive.org/stream/britishjournalof39royapage/325/mode/1up|passage=For the convenience of this paper I shall call the man who runs Amok an “Amoker,” and the crime “Amoking.” / It is necessary to state at once that I do not in any way intend to discuss the point as to whether the judicial execution of men Amoking is right or wrong, or as to whether execution of all Amokers would tend to lessen the frequency of the crime. I believe Penang has claimed that the Chief Justice’s (Sir Wm. Norris) sentence, which reads like one of those of the middle ages, and which I will give in detail later on, passed upon an Amoker, and carried out within eight days of the Amok in 1846, was the means of stamping out Amok entirely for years, but I can obtain no reliable information in proof of this.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. (quote-web) managed to rout the English and rule the country, then see off numerous plots and assassination attempts, before his horse did for him in a nasty fall, killing him at 60.