
suomi-englanti sanakirja

opera|the englanniksi

  1. A theatrical work, combining drama, music, song and sometimes dance.

  2. The score for such a work.

  3. A building designed for the performance of such works; an house.

  4. (RQ:Chambers Younger Set), the jewelled animals whose moral code is the code of the barnyard—!"

  5. A company dedicated to performing such works.

  6. Any showy, melodramatic or unrealistic production resembling an opera.

  7. (monikko) en|opus; a collection of work.

  8. (l-lite)

  9. (l-lite) (gloss)

  10. (eu-verb form of)

  11. (ca-verb form of)

  12. (l)

  13. opera

  14. of or relating to (l-lite)

  15. (l-lite) (gloss)

  16. (syn)

  17. (l-lite), house (gloss)

  18. work

  19. means, help, services

  20. opus

  21. (l)

  22. institution, institute, society

  23. (inflection of)

  24. work, exertion, effort

  25. (uxi) (l-lite) (+ infinitive)|t=there is no need to, there is no time to

  26. (Q)

  27. service

  28. 62 (BC) – 43 (BC), Cicero, ''ad Familiares|Epistulae ad familiārēs'' 13.9.3:

  29. (..)Cn. Pūpium, quī est in operīs eius societātis(..)
    : (..)Gnaeus Pupius, who is in the service of that association(..)
  30. (''especially with '') care, attention bestowed on something (or someone, especially a teacher)

  31. ''with dative''

  32. (label) ''with ad + accusative''

  33. ''with ut/ + subjunctive''

  34. ''with the subjunctive alone''

  35. 62 BCE – 43 BCE, Cicero, ''ad Familiares|Epistulae ad familiārēs'' 10.21.6:

  36. Ut exercitum locīs habeam opportūnīs, prōvinciam tuear, etiam sī ille exercitus descīerit, omniaque integra servem dabō operam, quoad exercitūs hōc summittātis parīque fēlīcitāte rem pūblicam hīc vindicētis.
    : I shall take care to keep the army in suitable locations, to protect my province even if that army defects, and to preserve the whole position uncompromised, until you send armies to my support and defend the commonwealth with just as much success.
  37. ''with the infinitive''

  38. (''in the ablative and with possesive pronouns'') one's fault, agency, doing

  39. (''in the ablative, with experior'') one's own experience

  40. (''with ūnā or eādem'') manner, way

  41. time for something (''see notes'')

  42. ''c.'' 60 (BC) – 54 (BC), Cicero, ''ad Quintum fratrem|Epistulae ad Quīntum frātrem'' 3.4.4:

  43. Dē versibus quōs tibi ā mē scrībī vīs, dēest mihi quidem opera sed abest etiam ἐνθουσιασμός, quī nōn modo tempus sed etiam animum vacuum ab omnī cūrā dēsīderat.
    : Regarding the verses which you want composed by me to you, I don't have the time, but the ''afflatus'' is absent too, which needs not only time but also a soul empty of every worry.
  44. a day's labour

  45. (label) labourer, farmhand

  46. (BC) 30, Horace, ''(Horace)|Satires'' (Horatius)/Liber alter/Sermo VII - Iamdudum ausculto et cupiens tibi dicere servus|2.7.117–118:

  47. (..)Ōcius hinc tēnī rapis, accēdēs opera agrō nōna Sabīnō.
    : (..) If you don't make offfrom here faster, you'll become the ninth farmhand on the Sabine field.
  48. any kind of worker

  49. hired aider, tool, rowdy

  50. deed, activity, effort

  51. handiwork

  52. to operate

  53. (alti)

  54. an (l-lite)

  55. an (l-lite) (q)

  56. (l-lite) (gl)

  57. house (gl)

  58. (pt-verb form of)

  59. (es-verb form of)

  60. an (l); a musical theatre play

  61. an house; an institution or building where opera is performed

  62. act of operating (q)

  63. (l-lite)

  64. house