
suomi-englanti sanakirja

reverse-engineer englanniksi

  1. To derive or duplicate the design, technical specifications, manufacturing methods, or functionality of an object by studying an existing product, prototype, etc.

  2. 1997, Roy A. Sorensen, "The Metaphysics of Precision and Scientific Language," ''Noûs'', vol. 31, Supplement: Philosophical Perspectives, 11, p. 363,

  3. Each creature was viewed as the artifact of a divine blueprint. The role of the biologist was to reverse engineer God's handiwork.
  4. {{quote-journal|en|year=2002|author=P. Samuelson; S. Scotchmer|title=The Law and Economics of Reverse Engineering|journal=The Yale Law Journal|volume=111|issue=7|page=1584

  5. To create or modify an implementation to better conform to a desired goal.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. A person who reverse-engineers products.

  9. {{quote-journal|en|year=1998|author=M. Lemley; D. McGowan|title=Legal Implications of Network Economic Effects|journal=California Law Journal|volume=86|issue=3|page=524