


  1. lääketiede|k=en fibroosi

Esimerkkejä fibrosis sanan käytöstä:

Labyrinthitis ossificans, the pathologic ossification of the otic capsule associated with profound deafness and loss of vestibular function occurs frequently as a sequella of bacterial meningitis and subsequent purulent labyrinthitis. Experimentally, in Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis, it has been shown that a vigorous inflammatory response to teichoic acids in the bacterial cell wall contributes to cochlear damage and subsequent fibrosis and ossification. The hypothesis of this study is that a dilution of concentration of inflammatory mediators through cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) irrigation will lead to a reduction in both inner ear pathology and permanent hearing loss. []



  1. kystinen fibroosi, CF, haiman kystinen fibroosi, mukoviskidoosi, patologia, poikkeama, fibroosi, myelofibroosi.

Lisää synonyymejää


fibrosis rimmaa näiden kanssa:

hasis, psoriasis, pesis, praksis, skepsis, sepsis, synopsis, upsis, hupsis, höpsis

Lisää riimejä

Läheisiä sanoja

fiba, fibata, fibaus, fibriini, fiesta, fifty-fifty