


  1. oikeuttaa jk, olla moraalinen peruste jllk

  2. perustella jk teko, mielipide, ehdotus jllk

  3. tasata (tekstiä)

Liittyvät sanat: bold , italicise



  1. säätää, tarkistaa, asettaa, korjata, oikaista, tasata, kaunistella, kiillottaa, kelvata jnk selitykseksi, selittää, sallia poistuminen, vapauttaa, antaa anteeksi, oikeuttaa, rationaalistaa, rationalisoida, puolustella, todistaa oikeaksi, todistaa syyttömäksi, osoittaa oikeaksi, päästää vapaaksi.

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todistaa oikeaksi puhekieltä To provide an acceptable explanation for.

How can you justify spending so much money on clothes?

Paying too much for car insurance is not justified.

puhekieltä To be a good, acceptable reason for; warrant.

Nothing can justify your rude behaviour last night.

E. Everett
Unless the oppression is so extreme as to justify revolution, it would not justify the evil of breaking up a government.
puhekieltä To arrange (text) on a page or a computer screen such that the left and right ends of all lines within paragraphs are aligned.

The text will look better justified.

puhekieltä To absolve, and declare to be free of blame or sin.
I cannot justify whom the law condemns.
Bible, Acts xiii. 39
By him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
To prove; to ratify; to confirm.


puhekieltä To show (a person) to have had a sufficient legal reason for an act that has been made the subject of a charge or accusation.
puhekieltä To qualify (oneself) as a surety by taking oath to the ownership of sufficient property.
Bouvier's Law Dictionary
The production of bail in court, who there justify themselves against the exception of the plaintiff.