

  1. piristää, stimuloida, virkistää, elvyttää, elävöittää, elähdyttää, rohkaista, valaa innostusta.

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virkistää puhekieltä To cause to be more lively.

Lets liven up this party!''

1905: The American Historical Review, published by the American Historical Association, page 380
Bacons Rebellion (p. 54) has no political meaning for Mr. Bruce. Champlain's fight with the Iroquois is told to liven the narrative with a fight (p. 36), but the far-reaching result is merely hinted in a manner that means nothing to one who doesn't know. The ideals and purposes of the Jesuits are not mentioned.''
1930: Bim Sherman, The Century
... and he fought for others banners,
And he dined at others tables, and he droned in others' hives, ''
And he livened others journeys, and he rhymed of others' tourneys, ''
And he emptied others flagons, and he flirted others' wives.''
1958: Marco Polo, Ronald Latham (translator), The Travels of Marco Polo
Instead of the picturesque fables* that liven the pages of ‘Sir John Mandeville’ and of many more authentic travellers, he gives us no less picturesque facts, and facts in great abundance.
1987: Best Sellers, page 418; Google Books insists that the author is 'University of Scranton, Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation, University of Scranton. Library'
There is quotation aplenty to liven the telling. -->
1979: The American School Board Journal, volume 166, № 1, January 1979, published by the National School Boards Association, caption to an image in the May 1979 section
Visiting professionals frequently liven the day at the Elm Creative Arts School.
1997: David Nevin, 1812
Anacreon ... celebrated wine and love and must have been a rousing fellow. Probably he livened heaven when he arrived.
2003, Sarah Garland, The Herb Garden, page 69
... and to invigorate and liven the spirits.
2001, Nick Tosches, Cut Numbers: A Novel
“It was all those suspendeds since the time before that fucked me.” sic Then he livened, and he actually did manage to smile. “It was Secaucus, ...
2005: Michael Winter, The Big Why: A Novel
The fact of this made him realize he had a story. He livened. Father was washed overboard, Rupert said. He was going through the water like a duck.
puhekieltä plural simple present form of (l)
1471, Margaret Paston, (w)
We liven in fear, but we wot not whither to flee for to be better than we arn here.
1579, (w), ''(w)
What shoulden shepheards other things tend,
Then, sith their God his good does them send,
Reapen the fruite thereof, that is pleasure,
The while they here liven, at ease and leasure?
1647, (w), The Confutation of the Sleep of the Soul, Canto III:
Wherefore so long as they make their abode
In Him, incorp'rate by due Unitie
They liven in eternall energie,
puhekieltä to the left
(monikko) liif|lang=fy


  • livenä: elävänä / luonnollisena : Mä olin tsiigaamas Rollareita livenä Stadikalla..


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