

  1. kastanjanruskea +luokka|fr|väri

Katso myös: marto


englanti A sweet chestnut. (defdate)
2007, (w), Jasper Jones, Allen & Unwin 2007, p. 137:
‘I mean, shit, even if I had've come down here of a weekend and taken back a sack full of marron, I would have killed the pig up there.’
(taxlink), a type of freshwater crayfish from Western Australia.
taivutettu muoto
chestnut brown
(non-gloss definition)
puhekieltä firecracker (on a rocket)
puhekieltä punch (with the fist)
puhekieltä head
puhekieltä brown
that has become wild again (used of a slave or animal who has returned to a free or wild state)
illicit, crooked (of professions)

Magie marronne. Hedge magic.

maroon (a slave or animal who has run away to live free)


marron rimmaa näiden kanssa:

rhododendron, non-iron, moron

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