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  1. pöytätietokone, digitaalinen tietokone, tietokone, henkilökohtainen tietokone, PC, mikrotietokone, kannettava tietokone.

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mikrotietokone puhekieltä A computer designed around a microprocessor, smaller than a minicomputer or a mainframe.
1956, Isaac Asimov, Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, v 11, July 7, New York: Fantasy House, p 9:

In recent years, it had become the hallmark of the scientist, much as the stethoscope was that of the physician and the microcomputer that of the statistician.
1985, Micro Communications
The operation has installed nine Cygnet CoSystems, computerphones that send memos, letters, and even whole files from one microcomputer to another.
puhekieltä English microcomputer


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