


  1. luutua; luuduttaa

  2. kuva|k=en vakiintua, jähmettyä; jähmetyttää

Liittyvät sanat: ossification



  1. muuttaa, kääntyä, muuttua, luutua, luuduttaa, jähmettää, sakeuttaa, jäykistää, kangistaa, vakiinnuttaa.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



vakiinnuttaa, luuduttaa

luutua puhekieltä To transform (or cause to transform) from a softer animal substance into bone; particularly the processes of growth in humans and animals.
1884, Arthur C. Cole, Studies in Microscopical Science, http://books.google.ca/books?id=ggYAAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA35&vq=ossify page 35,

(..), nor do all bones of the same skeleton ossify during the samе period of time.
puhekieltä To become (or cause to become) inflexible and rigid in habits or opinions.
1996, w:Peter Schwartz (futurist)|Peter Schwartz, The Art of the Long View , page 96,
Before long, the entire organization ossifies.
2006, Michael S. Jones, Metaphysics of Religion: Lucian Blaga and Contemporary Philosophy , page 79,
Possession of absolute knowledge would ossify the human spirit, quenching human creativity;
puhekieltä To grow (or cause to grow) formulaic and permanent.
1886, w:Karl Marx|Karl Marx, translated by Samuel Moore, Capital, Volume I, s:Das Kapital/Chapter 14|Chapter 14,
This accidental repartition gets repeated, develops advantages of its own, and gradually ossifies into a systematic division of labour.
2001, w:Alain Finkielkraut|Alain Finkielkraut, translated by Kevin O'Neill and David Suchoff, The Wisdom of Love , page 55,
Now, in turn, we apply a revolutionary critique that (..) ossifies into a rhetoric to become "the monstrous Latin of a monstrous church."
2005, Michelle Goldberg, "http://dir.salon.com/story/ent/feature/2005/12/20/munich/index.html The war on 'Munich'", Salon.com, December 20, 2005,
The charge threatens to ossify into conventional wisdom before the movie's audience can get to theaters to see how misguided it is.
puhekieltä To calcify.
1850, w:Roxey Ann Caplin|Roxey Ann Caplin, Health and Beauty, s:Health and beauty by Caplin/Chapter X|Chapter X,
The cartilages become brittle, and in many instances are ossified; the ligaments are rendered harder, but are less capable of resisting extension.

Läheisiä sanoja

osoitteisto, osoittelu, osoitus, ossi, osso buco, ostaa

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