

  1. korkea pallo, koholyönti, kirja, näyttämökirja.

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koholyönti Coming into view suddenly from a concealed position.
Opening out to form a three-dimensional structure when the page of a book is opened.
Anything that pop up|pops up.
A pop-up advertisement; an advertisement that is triggered to appear on a computer screen when an Internet user accesses a particular web page.
puhekieltä A ball that has been hit to a considerable height above the infield or the shallow outfield; a pop fly.
A folded paper element that forms a three-dimensional structure when a folded paper product, such as a book or greeting card, is opened.
A temporary restaurant.
Lonely Planet San Francisco Travel Guide

Pop-ups often charge restaurant prices, but without advance menus, quality control, health-inspected facilities or professional service. Bring cash and arrive early: most pop-ups don't accept credit cards, and popular dishes run out fast.


pop-up rimmaa näiden kanssa:

make-up, pick-up

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