vaha serbiaksi


  • atomipaino
  • tuolla
  • savikiekko
  • vaha vaha-, vahasta tehty
  • vahata
  • poistaa vaha vahalla
  • paino
  • punnus
  • painoarvo, merkitys
  • painokerroin, paino
  • paksuus
  • peitto, peittävyys
  • lisätä paino painoa
  • kuormittaa, raskauttaa
  • painottaa
  • lisätä lisätä paino
  • keidas
  • massa
  • pääosa
  • massa, paino
  • patti
  • joukko
  • massa massat
  • kerätä, kasata, tehdä massa
  • massiivinen, joukko joukko-
  • joukko joukko-
  • messu
  • pitää messu
  • the place, which is pointed at, which is more distant or less accurately confined tuolla, the place, which is pointed at, which is less distant or more accurately confined tuossa, the place, which is not pointed at, which is more distant or less accurately confined siellä, the place, which is not pointed at, which is less distant or more accurately confined siinä
  • siellä, siinä, sinne, siihen
  • the place, which is pointed at, which is more distant or less accurately confined tuonne, the place, which is pointed at, which is less distant or more accurately confined tuohon, the place, which is not pointed at, which is more distant or less accurately confined sinne, the place, which is not pointed at, which is less distant or more accurately confined siihen
  • omitted