

  1. basso, tuuba, sousafoni, torvi, vaskipuhallin, vaskisoitin, barytoni, barytonitorvi, eufonium, helikoni, bassotuuba, bombardon.

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sousafoni puhekieltä A valved brass instrument with the same length as a tuba, but shaped differently so that the bell is above the head, that the valves are situated directly in front of the musical instruments and a few inches above the waist, and that most of the weight rests on one shoulder.
1990, Thomas D. Rossing, The Science of Sound‎, page 230

One version of the large tuba, popular in marching bands, is called a sousaphone in honor of bandsman John Philip Sousa.


sousaphone rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kone, matkustajakone, aikakone, matematiikkakone, voimakone, vesivoimakone, lämpövoimakone, kuorimakone, puimakone, hiomakone

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Läheisiä sanoja

soukka, soukkalehtinen, soul, soundi, soutaa, soutaja

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