


  1. suora

  2. rehellinen

  3. peräkkäinen

  4. (alkoholijuomista) laimentamaton, lantraamaton

  5. arkikieltä|k=en heteroseksuaalinen

  6. slangi|k=en kuivilla; raitis

Liittyvät sanat: straight away



  1. suora, rehti, suorasukainen, vilpitön, vertikaalinen, pystysuora, muoto, rakenne, asetelma, kokoonpano, ääriviiva.

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järjestyksessä Not crooked or bent; having a constant direction throughout its length. (defdate)
1811, (w), (w):

I do not like crooked, twisted, blasted trees. I admire them much more if they are tall, straight and flourishing.
(RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)
“Heavens!” exclaimed Nina, “the blue-stocking and the fogy!—and yours are pale blue, Eileen!—you’re about as self-conscious as Drina—slumping there with your hair tumbling à la Mérode! Oh, it's very picturesque, of course, but a straight spine and good grooming is better.(nb..)
2011, Adharanand Finn, (w), 22 March:
The other people, I presume, are supposed to be standing to attention, but they're all smiling at me. The lines are not even straight.
Of a path, trajectory, etc.: direct, undeviating. (defdate)
1913, (w), The Kentuckians, p.185:
Now, as the world knows, the straightest way to the heart of the honest voter is through the women of the land, and the straightest way to the heart of the women is through the children of the land; and one method of winning both, with rural politicians, is to kiss the babies wide and far.
2000, Allan Wood, Babe Ruth and the 1918 Red Sox, p.293:
He had no time to set himself, but his throw was straight and true. Pick slid in, spikes high, and Schang tagged him in the ribs a foot or two from the plate.
Perfectly horizontal or vertical; not diagonal or oblique. (defdate)
2004, Chris Weston, 500 Digital Photography Hints, Tips, and Techniques:
There's nothing more annoying than taking a great picture, only to find that the horizon isn't straight.
puhekieltä stretched Stretched out; fully extended. (defdate)
puhekieltä strait Strait; narrow.
Sir (w) (c.1350)
Egypt is a long country, but it is straight, that is to say, narrow.
Figurative uses.
Free from dishonesty; honest, law-abiding. (defdate)
1879, (w), John Caldigate:
‘It wasn't the proper thing, squoire. It wasn't straight.’
direct Direct in communication; unevasive, straightforward. (defdate)
2003, Rosie Cowan, (w), 24 April:
Tony Blair issued a direct challenge to the IRA yesterday when he demanded they give straight answers to three simple questions(nb..).
In a row, in unbroken sequence. (defdate)
{{quote-journal|date=September 24, 2011|author=David Ornstein|work=BBC Sport
2008, "Bad vibrations", (w), 30 October:
As of October 29th, three-month dollar Libor (the rate at which banks borrow from each other) had fallen for 13 straight days and was nearly one-and-a-half percentage points below its October 10th level.
In proper order; as it should be. (defdate)
2007, Grant Allen, Whats Bred in the Bone'', p.140:
Oh, music, how he loved it; it seemed to set everything straight all at once in his head.
2010, Paul Gallagher, (w), 15 August:
"If you wonder why folks can't take the news seriously, here's Exhibit A," said one blogger. "Lord Jesus, how can the reporter file this story with a straight face?"
Of spirits: undiluted, unmixed; neat. (defdate)
2003, Ron Jordan, Considerations:
Real cowboys know how to rope, ride a horse and drink whisky straight.
2003, Lowell Edmunds, Martini, Straight Up, p.94:
The Martini is still in belief, if not in fact, the centerpiece of a rite, and people who would not drink straight gin on the rocks will drink straight gin on the rocks if it is called a Martini.
puhekieltä Describing the bat as held so as not to incline to either side; on, or near a line running between the two wickets. (defdate)
2011, Alan Gardner & Barney Ronay, (w), 15 March:
Steyn continues and it's all a bit more orderly down his end as O'Brien defends the first three balls with a straight bat and a respectful dip of the head.
puhekieltä Describing the sets in a match of which the winner did not lose a single set. (defdate)
2011, Press Association, 10 February:
Murray started well against Marcos Baghdatis before slumping to defeat in straight sets and the British No1 admitted he may not have been mentally prepared for the rigours of the ATP Tour after a gruelling start to 2011.
puhekieltä Making no exceptions or deviations in one's support of the organization and candidates of a political party.


puhekieltä Containing the names of all the regularly nominated candidates of a party and no others.
Colloquial uses.
puhekieltä conventional Conventional, mainstream, socially acceptable. (defdate)
1994, (w), ‘Do You Remember the First Time?’:
You say you've got to go home. Well at least there's someone there that you can talk to. And you never have to face up to the night on your own. Jesus, it must be great to be straight.
(quote-book)?" I held up my left hand as if it were a shield and spun my ring around. I told her: "He works on Wall Street.(..)He wouldn't understand my business. He's always had a straight job. His entire life he's been so – so normal that he doesn't even know how normal he is.(..)He doesn't know I'm a hooker. I'm pretending to be a straight chick. And it's working! And that makes him a straight guy. It's ... I feel like Dr. Frankenhooker."
1998, Eileen Fitzpatrick & Dominic Pride, w:Billboard (magazine)|Billboard, 17 October 1998:
‘Her last album was a bit too straight,’ he says, ‘but this one puts her in a more contemporary framework and softens her music.’
puhekieltä Not using alcohol, drugs, etc. (defdate)
1989, (w), (w):
For all the boredom the straight life brings, it's not too bad.
2001, Ruella Frank, Body of Evidence, p.28:
‘Alex's dad used a lot of drugs. He's been straight for years now, but it took a long time for him to be able to deal with his feelings.’
puhekieltä heterosexual Heterosexual.
(quote-book)|year=1997|page=196|isbn=978-0-415-91874-9|passage=We only appear straight for the first five seconds. Just walking down the street, in the diner, or at the boardwalk, we hear, "Is she a man? Is she a woman? If she is a straight woman, what is she doing with this gay man?" We check in with each other. "What do you think, is it okay? I think we should go. I think we should cross over to the other side. Danger."
(quote-book)He's a straight guy who does drag." At that, the man laughed. "Oh, you're putting me on!" He decided I must have been pulling his leg the whole time. He glanced back at my husband again. "So what's his number?" "The same as mine."
2007, Layla Kumari, (w), 17 September:
Some of my friends – gay and straight – seem unable to understand the close but platonic nature of my and Gian's relationship, but have been supportive.
2011, Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home, p.273:
Angela smiles. ‘I'm straight, Zoe, and I'm happily married.’
(quote-book)|year=2012|page=1|isbn=978-0-7914-8733-4|passage=Every other mode of social discourse is "other," whether it be termed gay (or the newly acceptable queer), bisexual, or asexual, or embodied in the concept of the spinster, the confirmed bachelor, the old maid, or the same-sex couple who will never fit into the "straight" world, and doesn't or don't want to. The state of nonstraightness is essentially suspect; it is not seen as "right or correct."
(quote-book) moment. I mean, I know hes straight, but there's always hope.
(label) concerning the property allowing the parallel-transport of vectors along a course that keeps tangent vectors remain tangent vectors throughout that course (gloss)
Of a direction relative to the subject, precisely; as if following a direct line.

The door will be straight ahead of you.

Go straight back.

Directly; without pause, delay or detour.

On arriving at work, he went straight to his office.

I know thy generous temper well; / Fling but the appearance of dishonour on it, / It straight takes fire, and mounts into a blaze.
Continuously; without interruption or pause.

He claims he can hold his breath for three minutes straight.

Something that is not crooked or bent such as a part of a road or track.
(quote-book)|year=2009|page=191|isbn=978-0-307-49035-3|passage=After four grueling laps, the race had come down to a sprint. Into the straight, although my legs were burning, I called on them for more, and they responded. On my inside the maroon singlet came with me, until it was just the two of us heading for the line.
(quote-book)|year=2011|page=19|isbn=978-1-4628-6700-4|passage=Seppi started the engine, then shifted first gear and sped away into second, then third and fourth gear. Frank heard the roar of the Porsche's engine further down the straight and the back short straight. He held a stopwatch in his hand, waiting for him to come up into the straight from the hairpin curve.
puhekieltä Five cards in sequence.
puhekieltä A heterosexual.

My friends call straights "heteros".

puhekieltä A normal person; someone in mainstream society.
(quote-book) more than any other work revealed the split vision towards space exploration among many in the counter-culture: a romantic vision of the freedom offered by space that had been fostered by a lifetime of science fiction consumption, immersion in a technological society, the countercultural yearning for speed and “the road,” and, thanks to LSD and other hallucinogens, a unique preappreciation of space traveling not available to straights, versus the bland, oppressive vision of exploration offered by NASA, itself just one part of a larger destructive system that was devastating Earth and that could only offer further oppression in space, not liberation.
puhekieltä A cigarette, particularly one containing tobacco instead of marijuana. Also straighterNoun straighter. (defdate)
1923, Joseph Manchon, Le slang : lexique de langlais familier et vulgaire : précédé d'une étude sur la pronunciation et la grammaire populaires'', p. 296:
A straight = a straighter = a straight cut, une cigarette en tabac de Virginie.
puhekieltä To straighten.


puhekieltä (l) (gloss)


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