


  1. toiminnan kohteena olemista ilmaistaessa

Esimerkkejä upon sanan käytöstä:

He was set 'upon' by the agitated dogs.

:Härnätyt / äkäiset koirat kävivät hänen kimppuunsa.

It seems Im constantly set 'upon' by illiberal misogynists.

:Näköjään ahdasmieliset naisvihaajat ovat yhtenään kimpussani.


englanti Being above and in contact with another.


Being directly supported by another.
Being followed by another so as to form a series.
At a prescribed point in time.
onPreposition On.
(RQ:Vance Nobody)
Little disappointed, then, she turned attention to "Chat of the Social World," gossip which exercised potent fascination upon the girl's intelligence.
Being the target of an action.

He was set upon by the agitated dogs

Incidental to a specified point in time or order of action; usually combined with here-, there- or where-.

The clock struck noon, whereupon the students proceeded to lunch.


upon rimmaa näiden kanssa:

roll-on, bourbon, radon, neon, argon, tuohon, stadion, olympiastadion, uimastadion, moottoristadion

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