Tarkoititko: via


englanti Roman numeral for six.
puhekieltä verb intransitive or intransitive verb (often appears in dual language dictionaries)
puhekieltä village idiot
2012, a Religious Studies teacher
Stupid boy...he's such a vi, isn't he?
wine (gloss)
alive, living
(second-person personal pronoun, singular or plural): you


yourself, yourselves
child (A son or daughter)
you (qualifier)
(second-person personal plural object pronoun): you, to you

(noi) vi amiamo - we love you

(second-person reflexive plural): yourselves

(voi) vi ricordate

it (often not translated); about it, of it, on it
(ja-romanization of)
(inflection of)
(inflection of) (rare)
puhekieltä here; nearby
puhekieltä near
puhekieltä this

levi jufra cu tordu

This sentence is short.

(alternative form of)
(nn-verb-form of)
(RQ:Harry Potter)
Não vi o tempo passar.
: I didn't notice the time passing.
to you
you (nominative plural of (m))
you (vocative plural of (m))
you (masculine plural, more than two)
puhekieltä you (masculine singular)
(es-verb form of)
we (first-person personal plural subject pronoun)
1791, w:Carl Michael Bellman|Carl Michael Bellman, Fredmans sånger, N:o 21
Så lunka vi så småningom från Bacchi buller och tumult
: We'll walk away eventually from the noise and tumult of Bacchus
puhekieltä fin


rimmaa näiden kanssa:

suklaa-, valkea-, mega-, giga-, haja-, laaka-, raaka-, taka-, deka-, seka-

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