Tarkoititko: öylätti


englanti (ja-kana-de)
puhekieltä emphatic subject marker, added to nouns and verb stems
吾背子之 跡履求 追去者 木乃関守伊 将留鴨
在千方 在名草目而 行目友 家有妹伊 将鬱悒
乾坤乃 神乎禱而 吾恋 公以必 不相在目八方
筑波祢乃 乎弖毛許能母尓 毛利敝須恵 波播已毛礼杼母 多麻曾阿比尓家留
797: w:Shoku Nihongi|Shoku Nihongi (edict 6)
797: w:Shoku Nihongi|Shoku Nihongi (edict 12)
797: w:Shoku Nihongi|Shoku Nihongi (edict 34)
puhekieltä emphatic phrase-final particle, emphasizing preceding phrase
白細之 袖指可倍弖 靡寢 吾黒髪乃 真白髪尓 成極新世尓 共将有跡 玉緒乃 不絶射妹跡 結而石 事者不果 ...
向岳之 若楓木 下杖取 花待伊間尓 嘆鶴鴨
青柳之 糸乃細紗 春風尓 不乱伊間尓 令視子裳欲得
puhekieltä unbound nominalizing suffix:

Examples: (m) + i(m), (m) + i(m), (m) + i(m)

(ja-def) great, excellent, magnificent
(ja-def) different; unusual, aberrant
(ja-def) counter for the souls of the dead; (qualifier) counter for the number of decimal places
(ja-def) counter for the amount that can be encircled in one's arms, used as a rough measurement of circumference (qualifier)
(ja-def) rank, degree
(ja-def) uncivilized people (qualifier); neutral color, something colorless
(ja-def) authority; threat
(ja-def) a watchman in the ancient Chinese military
(ja-def) intent; meaning; goodwill
(ja-def) something easy to do
(ja-def) the twelfth string on a koto (qualifier); a fingering method for playing the shakuhachi (qualifier)
(ja-def) (qualifier) change or disease, one of the four states or avasthā
(ja-def) under the w:Ritsuryō Ritsuryō system of ancient Japan, an official document exchanged between officials with no direct authority over each other
(ja-def) stomach; one of the w:Twenty-Eight Mansions|twenty-eight mansions in the w:Chinese constellations|Chinese constellations system
(ja-def) clothing; robes
(ja-def) something fallen, something lost or left behind
(ja-def) medicine; a doctor
(ja-def) a well (qualifier)
(ja-def) one of the twelve w:Earthly Branches|Earthly Branches in the Chinese time system and zodiac
(ja-def) a dike or levee for containing water
(ja-def) being, sitting (qualifier); a seat
(ja-def) sleep
(ja-def) gallbladder; liver
(ja-def) pig, boar
(ja-def) a wife's sister; more specifically, a wife's younger sister; a mother's sister, a maternal aunt; a mistress (qualifier); more specifically, a father's mistress
(ja-def) a curtain or hanging that covers all sides
(ja-def) in ancient China, a tripod kettle or other vessel used to make offerings to one's ancestors
(ja-def) a bulrush, a rush (qualifier)
(ja-def) the Chinese name of the (m)
(ja-def) in China, a special windscreen placed behind the throne, made of red cloth embroidered with a pattern of axes and used during imperial audiences; by extension, the throne itself
(ja-def) five
(ja-def) fifty
(ja-def) added to spiritual nouns to indicate purity and holiness
(ja-def) you (qualifier)
(ja-def) Italy
(ja-def) ordinal suffix: -th


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