
suomi-englanti sanakirja

man englannista suomeksi

  1. mies

  2. täyttää

  3. ihmiset

  4. rivimies

  5. pelinappula, nappula

  6. palvelija

  7. ihminen

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

man englanniksi

  1. Man

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. An adult male human.

  3. (ux)

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 5)

  5. (RQ:Hough Purchase Price)it is not fair of you to bring against mankind double weapons ! Dangerous enough you are as woman alone, without bringing to your aid those gifts of mind suited to problems which men have been accustomed to arrogate to themselves.”

  6. (seemoreCites)

  7. All human males collectively: mankind.

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=2011|title=Eileen Gray and the Design of Sapphic Modernity: Staying In|page=109

  9. A human, a person regardless of gender or sex, usually an adult. (q)

  10. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-2)a man cannot make him laugh.

  11. (RQ:KJV)

  12. (RQ:Donne Devotions)

  13. {{quote-book|en|year=c. 1700|author=Joseph Addison|title=Monaco, Genoa, &c.|page=9

  14. (quote-book)|month=August|year=1793|year_published=1844|pages=144–145|passage=Without this help, such a deplorable havoc is made in the minds of men (both sexes) in France, still more than in the external order of things, and the evil is so great and spreading, that a remedy is impossible on any other terms.

  15. 1991 edition (original: 1953), Darell Huff, ''How to Lie with Statistics'', pages 19–20:

  16. Similarly, the next time you learn from your reading that the average man (you hear a good deal about him these days, most of it faintly improbable) brushes his teeth 1.02 times a day—a figure I have just made up, but it may be as good as anyone else's – ask yourself a question. How can anyone have found out such a thing? Is a woman who has read in countless advertisements that non-brushers are social offenders going to confess to a stranger that she does not brush her teeth regularly?
  17. All humans collectively: mankind, humankind, humanity. (q)

  18. 1647, Westminster Shorter Catechism, question 10:

  19. How did God create man?
    God created man male and female, after his own image, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, with dominion over the creatures.
  20. (quote-book) contributing to Man’s search for knowledge, a search that interests most people even if they are not personally involved in it.

  21. (quote-journal)

  22. {{quote-text|en|date=January 20 2021|author=Amanda Gorman|title=The Hill We Climb

  23. (senseid) A member of the genus ''Homo'', especially of the species ''sapiens''.

  24. (quote-book)

  25. A male person, usually an adult; a (generally adult male) sentient being, whether human, supernatural, elf, alien, etc.

  26. (quote-text)

  27. (RQ:Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing)

  28. (RQ:Jonson Epicoene)

  29. An adult male who has, to an eminent degree, qualities considered masculine, such as strength, integrity, and devotion to family; a mensch.

  30. (RQ:Stevenson Treasure Island)

  31. {{quote-book|en|year=2011|author=Timothy Shephard|title=Can We Help Us?: Growing Up Bi-Racial in America|isbn=1456754610|page=181

  32. Manliness; the quality or state of being manly.

  33. (RQ:Jonson Every Man in His Humour)

  34. A husband.

  35. (RQ:Book of Common Prayer)

  36. A male lover; a boyfriend.

  37. A male enthusiast or devotee; a male who is very fond of or devoted to a specified kind of thing. (q)

  38. A person, usually male, who has duties or skills associated with a specified thing. (q)

  39. A person, usually male, who can fulfill one's requirements with regard to a specified matter.

  40. A male who belongs to a particular group: an employee, a student or alumnus, a representative, etc.

  41. An adult male servant.

  42. A vassal; a subject.

  43. (ux) (old proverb)

  44. (circa), William Blackstone:

  45. The vassal, or tenant, kneeling, ungirt, uncovered, and holding up his hands between those of his lord, professed that he did become his man from that day forth, of life, limb, and earthly honour.
  46. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  47. A piece or token used in board games such as backgammon.

  48. (n-g)

  49. A player on whom another is playing, with the intent of limiting their attacking impact.

  50. 2018 Dinny Navaratnam, Andrews will learn from experience: Fagan ''Brisbane Lions'', 30 July 2018. Accessed 6 August 2018.

  51. "It was a brutal return to football for Brisbane Lions defender Harris Andrews as his man Tom Hawkins booted seven goals but Lions Coach Chris Fagan said the team's defensive faults, rather than the backman's, allowed the big Cat to dominate."
  52. (quote-web) and into the top corner.

  53. A clipping of "in man" or equivalent used in the unit|CGS unit equivalent man|roentgen equivalent man.

  54. (only used in)

  55. {{quote-journal|en|date=August 15, 2019|author=Bob Stanley|title='Groovy, groovy, groovy': listening to Woodstock 50 years on – all 38 discs|work=The Guardian|url=

  56. (seeCites)

  57. (n-g): I, we; (n-g).

  58. {{quote-text|en|year=2011|title=Top Boy

  59. (RQ:Big Shaq Man's Not Hot)

  60. {{quote-text|en|year=2017|author=Joseph Barnes Phillips|title=Big Foot ...and Tiny Little Heartstrings

  61. You; (n-g).

  62. (quote-av)

  63. Any person, (l)

  64. {{quote-text|en|year=c. 1450|author=Thomas Chestre|title=Libeaus Desconus

  65. To supply (something) with staff or crew (of either sex).

  66. To take up position in order to operate (something).

  67. To brace (oneself), to fortify or steel (oneself) in a manly way. (q)

  68. To wait on, attend to or escort.

  69. (senseid) To accustom (a raptor or other type of bird) to the presence of people.

  70. A command used to display help pages in Unix and Unix-like systems.

  71. moon

  72. man

  73. husband

  74. mulberry, mulberry tree

  75. hand

  76. I, (n-g)

  77. water

  78. bird

  79. also

  80. (syn)


  81. (contraction of)

  82. manly; masculine

  83. male

  84. (alternative spelling of)

  85. vassal, feoffee

  86. mane (q)

  87. (synonyms)

  88. you, one, they, people (q)

  89. I (q)

  90. you (q)

  91. (inflection of)

  92. man, human male, either adult or age-irrespective

  93. husband, male spouse

  94. I, he, she, it will / may

  95. one, they (gloss)

  96. my

  97. foot

  98. ownership; protection; power; grasp

  99. one, you (gloss)

  100. {{quote-text|de|year=2008|author=Frank Behmeta|title=Wenn ich die Augen öffne|page=55

  101. they, people (gloss)

  102. someone, somebody (gloss)

  103. they (gloss)

  104. just; only

  105. only; but

  106. (romanization of)

  107. slaves

  108. a female slave

  109. maiden

  110. the act of daring someone to do something; provocation, dare

  111. manna

  112. (inflection of); I remember

  113. (inflection of); he/she/it remembers

  114. man (adult male human)

  115. (RQ:jam:DJNT)

  116. (ja-romanization of)

  117. although; if; though

  118. also; too

  119. only; even

  120. hand

  121. to me; (infl of)

  122. (infl of)

  123. (alt form)

  124. (nonstandard spelling of)

  125. human

  126. person

  127. man, male

  128. subordinate

  129. (senseid) (n-g) one, you (q).

  130. (alt form)

  131. (tlb) (alt form)

  132. you

  133. my (belonging to me)

  134. to stay

  135. to remain

  136. you

  137. one

  138. they

  139. people

  140. a mane (q)

  141. mane (q)

  142. human, person

  143. man, male

  144. c. 992, of Eynsham|Ælfric, "The First Sunday in September, When Job Is Read"

  145. (quote)
  146. c. 992, of Eynsham|Ælfric, "Dedication of the Church of St. Michael"

  147. c. 897, (w), translation of Pope Gregory I|Pope Gregory's ''(w)''

  148. {{quote-text|ang|year=c. 1005|author=(died 1023)|Wulfstan|url=|title=Laws of Edward and Guthrum

  149. ''The Dialogues of Solomon and Saturn''

  150. ''often used where modern English would use the passive voice''

  151. late 9th century, Alfred the Great|King Alfred's translation of Boethius|Boethius' ''(w)''

  152. Early 11th century, (died 1023)|Wulfstan, "On the Beginning of Creation"

  153. it

  154. c. 900, translation of Orosius|Orosius' ''History Against the Pagans''

  155. late 9th century, translation of Bede|Bede's ''History of the English People|Ecclesiastical History''

  156. crime, sin, wickedness

  157. household, house-folk, bondslaves

  158. bondwoman, female slave

  159. woman, maid

  160. 900-1100, The (w), verse 7:

  161. hand (anatomy)

  162. morning

  163. {{quote-text|osp|year=c. 1200|author=Almerich|title=de Ultramar|Fazienda de Ultramar|section=f. 18r

  164. but

  165. but, just

  166. one, they

  167. (RQ:stq:NT)

  168. (l), guy, dude

  169. (quote-song)

  170. man, male human

  171. to able to

  172. {{quote-song

  173. (l) (gloss)

  174. a member of a crew, workforce or (military) troop

  175. (l) (usually friendly term of address)

  176. (ux), mannen!|Hurry up, man!

  177. (senseid) people in general; one, you, they, people, etc.

  178. (quote-song). Man siktade mot mål, men man träffade bredvid, för inget var exakt i en fördatorisk tid. Man sände sina dokument med män i uniform, som färdades på snö och is i hällregn och storm. Man köpte sina tjänster med papper och metall – ett besynnerligt system som fick imperier på fall. Man sa att grunden var solid, men staten kom på glid, för system var instabila i en fördatorisk tid. Tiderna förändras. Andra ska vid. Sanningar föråldras. De formas av sin egen tid. Man byggde stora städer där man trängdes med varann – där man omgav sig med dån och larm och stod i rök och damm. Man sökte efter ledare med styrka och förstånd, som skulle föra folket bort från krig och undergång. En roll alltför komplex för en enda individ, så inget blev beständigt i en fördatorisk tid. Tiderna förändras. Andra ska vid. Sanningar föråldras. Man formas av sin egen tid. Man måste stiga upp varje vardag klockan fem, för att stå vid en maskin tills det blev kväll och man gick hem. Man levde under hot, på gränsen till panik, så man sökte efter sanningen i stjärnornas mystik. Man talade om fred, men man låg i ständig strid, för man (l) sig på människan i fördatorisk tid.|t=A long, long time ago, the world was different from today not look like now. People one did not at all live in the same way as me and you translated. You one had constant problems with your one's communication. To make yourself oneself heard, you one had to speak up tone. You one aimed for goals targets, but you one hit next to them next-to/beside (the goal/target, missing it), because nothing was exact in a pre-computer time. You one sent your one's documents with men in uniform, who traveled on snow and ice in pouring rain and storm. You one bought your one's services with paper and metal – a peculiar strange system that brought empires down

  179. I (referring to oneself obliquely)

  180. mane (gloss)

  181. even (gl)

  182. even; also; too

  183. man (gloss)

  184. (RQ:Buk Baibel)

  185. a married man

  186. any man

  187. dishonest; false; untruthful

  188. a savage; barbarian

  189. thousand; myriad

  190. place; location

  191. speck; blemish

  192. stain

  193. distinguishing mark

  194. birthmark; mole

  195. pimple; spot

  196. mascle

  197. (cot)

  198. neck

  199. I (gloss)