
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pintail englannista suomeksi

  1. jouhisorsa

  1. Substantiivi

pintail englanniksi

  1. A duck, a type of duck with a characteristic pointed tail.

  2. A pintail, (taxfmt), a dabbling duck of the northern hemisphere that has a long pointed tail.

  3. A snipe, (taxfmt).

  4. Any of various species of libellulid dragonfly of the genus (taxlink), endemic to Africa and Asia.

  5. The end of a fastening pin or mandrel on a Huckbolt or rivet that is broken off when installation is complete.

  6. {{quote-text|en|year=1994|author=James William Fitch|title=Motor Truck Engineering Handbook|page=110

  7. A surfboard with a pointed back end.