

suhteet|p, verkosto; guanxi (In the context of Chinese society) connection Connections; relationships; one's social or business network.

To open a new business in China you need guanxi.

1996, James O'Reilly, Sean O'Reilly, Larry Habegger (editors), Travellers Tales - Hong Kong'' http://books.google.co.uk/books?vid=ISBN1885211031&id=DMy8ANLFJPoC&pg=PA384&lpg=PA384&dq=%22good+guanxi%22&sig=2k-Am3GuY0OcYkPm3AGblSfFiC0
Who would dare to drive around in a right-hand drive car that was so obviously stolen and smuggled into the country? The police, of course! And Communisty Party officials. And those with guanxi with the police.
1998, Stuart Cohen, Invisible World
By chance he'd happened to be in Hong Kong when Clayton had died, and his guanxi had smoothed out the paperwork that could have delayed things for weeks.
2000, Yadong Luo, Strategy, Structure, and Performance of MNCs in China http://books.google.com/books?vid=ISBN156720385X&id=xi3amIAV1sEC&pg=PA56&lpg=PA56&dq=guanxi&sig=pej1VNMjpDiO9bWHrXnlEbUKV_I
It should be noted that the existence of a basis for guanxi does not imply that such an alliance will develop.
2005, http://www.cbbc.org/market_intelligence/challenge/guanxi.html China-Britain Business Council
Many foreigners claim to have guanxi with their Chinese counterparts; few actually do.
venäjä блат (m), связь (f), свя́зи, гуа́ньси (m) (f) qualifier Chinese context

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