
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tea englannista suomeksi

  1. tee

  2. teeateria

  3. teepensas

  4. teekutsut

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

tea englanniksi

  1. (senseid) The plant ((taxfmt)); a variety of this plant.

  2. (ux)

  3. (senseid) The dried leaves or buds of the plant; a variety of such leaves.

  4. (senseid) The drink made by infusing these dried leaves or buds in hot water.

  5. (RQ:Travers Cuckoo in the Nest)considered that the exclusiveness of Peter's circle was due not to its distinction, but to the fact that it was an inner Babylon of prodigality and whoredom, from which every Kensingtonian held aloof, except on the conventional tip-and-run excursions in pursuit of shopping, tea and theatres.

  6. (senseid) Any drink which is similar to (taxfmt) tea in some way:

  7. {{quote-book|en|date=2019-02-12|author=Maryea Flaherty|title=Anti-Inflammatory Drinks for Health: 100 Smoothies, Shots, Teas, Broths, and Seltzers to Help Prevent Disease, Lose Weight, Increase Energy, Look Radiant, Reduce Pain, and More!|publisher=Simon and Schuster|isbn=9781507209592|page=141

  8. (senseid) Any similar drink made by infusing parts of various other plants.

  9. (hypo)

  10. {{quote-book|en|date=2017-01-03|author=Gilles Diederichs|title=My Anti-Stress Year: 52 Weeks of Soothing Activities and Wellness Advice|publisher=Simon and Schuster|isbn=9781631581205

  11. (senseid) Meat stock served as a hot drink.

  12. (senseid) A cup or glass of any of these drinks, often with milk, sugar, lemon, and/or tapioca pearls.

  13. (senseid) A light midafternoon meal, typically but not necessarily including tea.

  14. {{quote-text|en|year=1951|author=C. S. Lewis|title=Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia

  15. (RQ:Fry Liar)

  16. (senseid) (syn of), the main evening meal, whether or not it includes tea.

  17. {{quote-text|en|year=2018|author=Ray Wyre; Tim Tate|title=The Murder of Childhood|page=126

  18. (senseid) The break in play between the session|second and session|third sessions.

  19. {{quote-journal|en|year=2009|journal=The Guardian|article_series=Notes and queries: Life and style|title= What do cricketers eat at tea? When is it safe to flush on the train? What's a plujit? |url=https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/jul/29/notes-and-queries-cricketers-teas

  20. (senseid) (syn of).

  21. {{quote-text|en|year=1940|author=Raymond Chandler|title=Farewell, My Lovely|page=103|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2010

  22. (RQ:Mezzrow Blues)

  23. 1947 March 11, (w), letter:

  24. Here in Texas ''possession'' of tea is a felony calling for 2 years.
  25. (quote-journal)

  26. (RQ:Kerouac On the Road)

  27. (senseid) Information, especially gossip.

  28. (quote-av)|episode=Ms. DeLaria's Dating Tips for Dykes|title=Bulldyke in a China Shop|medium=spoken-word comedy album|passage=Now I've told you that I've taken LSD, and you think I'm gonna leap through a window or something like that. And you know why that is, that's because of Art Linkletter's daughter.... But let me give you the tea on her, see, she took LSD, realized she was Art Linkletter's daughter, and threw herself out of the window!

  29. {{quote-text|en|year=2015|author=Sonya Shuman|title=Doors of the Church Are Open: Smoke & Mirrors by Sonya Shuman

  30. (rfv-sense) Hot chocolate.

  31. To drink tea.

  32. (quote-book)

  33. (quote-book) three on mutton chops and 1/2 pint of East I ndian sherry, and then ''tead'' and muffined' at 8.

  34. To take tea (gl).

  35. {{quote-text|en|year=1877|title=The Bicycling Times and Tourist's Gazette|page=38

  36. To give tea to.

  37. (RQ:Worboise St Beetha's)

  38. A moment, a historical unit of time from China, about the amount of time needed to quickly drink a traditional cup of tea. It is now found in Chinese-language historical fiction.

  39. (inflection of)

  40. feces; excrement

  41. cloth

  42. a piece of cloth

  43. {{quote-book|gl|year=1326|editor=Antonio López Ferreiro|title=Galicia Histórica. Colección diplomática|location=Santiago|publisher=Tipografía Galaica|page=300

  44. spiderweb

  45. (syn)

  46. canvas

  47. film (gl)

  48. torch

  49. (l)

  50. white

  51. light-coloured

  52. clear, transparent

  53. dawn

  54. water

  55. body of water: river, lake, etc

  56. liquid

  57. wine

  58. torch (gl)

  59. {{quote-book|es

  60. {{quote-journal|es

  61. intoxication, drunkenness